Global Warming
So now it's too late, no matter what we do the world is coming to an end. Personally I don't think it's mankind's fault at all. Heck not too many years ago North America was covered in ICE. You don't see all the environmentalists trying to bring about global cooling. Maybe a nuclear winter could patch things up.
I say it's time to start buying beach front property in Antarctica. Maybe we should start building military bases down there and claim it as part of the USA now while there's no one else to contest it. There's oil down there too, it's perfect.
My opinion is if green house gases really are a problem then we should just build a cleaning space station to suck up all the gases, remove the bad ones, and put the good stuff back.
So now it's too late, no matter what we do the world is coming to an end. Personally I don't think it's mankind's fault at all. Heck not too many years ago North America was covered in ICE. You don't see all the environmentalists trying to bring about global cooling. Maybe a nuclear winter could patch things up.
I say it's time to start buying beach front property in Antarctica. Maybe we should start building military bases down there and claim it as part of the USA now while there's no one else to contest it. There's oil down there too, it's perfect.
My opinion is if green house gases really are a problem then we should just build a cleaning space station to suck up all the gases, remove the bad ones, and put the good stuff back.