Life, the Universe, and Everything

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Global Warming

So now it's too late, no matter what we do the world is coming to an end. Personally I don't think it's mankind's fault at all. Heck not too many years ago North America was covered in ICE. You don't see all the environmentalists trying to bring about global cooling. Maybe a nuclear winter could patch things up.

I say it's time to start buying beach front property in Antarctica. Maybe we should start building military bases down there and claim it as part of the USA now while there's no one else to contest it. There's oil down there too, it's perfect.

My opinion is if green house gases really are a problem then we should just build a cleaning space station to suck up all the gases, remove the bad ones, and put the good stuff back.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Abiogenic Petroleum

On the topic of Oil, I thought all my faithful readers out there should be aware of The Theory of Abiogenic Petroleum. This is a different theory that is not widely accepted, but is gaining ground. Essentially it says that oil is not dinosaurs as once thought, but instead a natural process the Earth is continually doing. One point it makes is that in all the time that we have been harvesting oil the known Earth's Reserves have doubled in size! After I read these articles I was convinced and I believe it to be true, so lets start pumping more oil and stop worrying about it running out!

Here is the article on oil wells that are refilling themselves:

Here are some sites that explain the theroy. Note that it successfully predicted oceans of oil on Saturn's moon, titan. The traditional theroy can't expain oil out there, unless there is life on Titan.

Oil, Oil, Everywhere

Did you know that there is a plant in Carthage, MO that is able to produce 500 Barrells of Crude Oil Every Day? Would you believe they are doing it using turkey guts?

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

It's Getting Closer

Now there is a military build up by China?!?! Not exactly the good news I was looking for.

Monday, March 14, 2005

War with China

Well here I go, I'm gonna try and put a political twist in my blog. This Article scares me a bit. Mainly the "authorizing force to stop rival Taiwan." While we here in the US Have a Treaty with Tiwan that obligates us to protect Taiwan if China Invades. So this was not just a authorization to attack Taiwan, it was an authorization to attack the US! How many countries right now have authorized the use of force against us? Unless you count terrorists I think China is the only one. (Although I don't know all the inner-workings of North Korea.)

China is one of the few communist countries that survived the cold war. We need to take an aggressive stand against China and bring democracy to them just as we did With Russia. Hopefully we will not have to take the measures it took to bring Freedom to Iraq, as China vs US in a traditional war I think would last much longer and have many more deaths. I don't know how to go about it, I'm guessing there is some expert out there that has the answer.

China has a rich history and back when we were busy with crusades china was making gun powder, using moveable type 500 years before Gutenberg. See for more information about China's History.

I find it interesting that it was a constitutional republic in 1912.

It's Been a while

Ok so I thought I'd post here again, not that there's anyone out there reading this. Thrift Books is still going strong, although I picked up a day job not so long ago. I'm tele-commuting for a medium sized company doing some contract work, designing an internal web page for them.

I have a moral question for all you people out there. I have contacts in India that can do my job for me for about $6 /hr. (While this company is paying me more then enough for me to pay India and pay all my own bills) If I have them do it for me, but I don't tell the company they are doing it for me, is it wrong? I'm not really moving an American Job to India, I'm just giving myself more time to golf..