I don't know if this is even an issue anymore but I thought it was so funny during the elections that the Dems kept says "Secretly Bush is trying to start a draft." Then the DEMs proposed a draft in congress! During the debates Bush continually stated "There will be no draft" while Kerry Avoided the question.
I ask myself, why were the dems so focused on starting a draft, and blaming Bush for it? I think the reason is that this happened while the war in Iraq was still too popular for them. The dems sat around and thought, how can we get more Americans to hate the war? Why are there not peace marches like in Vietnam? Then one of them had a bright Idea "I know, the problem is there is no draft! Lets get a draft started, blame it on Bush, and then everyone will hate him and the war as much as we do!"
I really think that was their motivation in starting a draft. Scares me to think they would do that just for political gain, but the left never ceases to amaze me.