Life, the Universe, and Everything

Friday, June 24, 2005


I don't know if this is even an issue anymore but I thought it was so funny during the elections that the Dems kept says "Secretly Bush is trying to start a draft." Then the DEMs proposed a draft in congress! During the debates Bush continually stated "There will be no draft" while Kerry Avoided the question.

I ask myself, why were the dems so focused on starting a draft, and blaming Bush for it? I think the reason is that this happened while the war in Iraq was still too popular for them. The dems sat around and thought, how can we get more Americans to hate the war? Why are there not peace marches like in Vietnam? Then one of them had a bright Idea "I know, the problem is there is no draft! Lets get a draft started, blame it on Bush, and then everyone will hate him and the war as much as we do!"

I really think that was their motivation in starting a draft. Scares me to think they would do that just for political gain, but the left never ceases to amaze me.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

It's not just me!

"Almost half, 47 percent, said movies are getting worse"

47% of the people taking the poll said that movies are getting worse! That's what all that product placement does!

There was no product placement in the Passion of the Christ, No Product Placement in Star Wars.. humm.. they were both big hits..

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Wall Street Journal

Go me! whoo!

My first Wall Street Journal Article! Pretty exciting! I've made front page of the Seattle Times Business Section before, but this is even bigger! Sadly this was only in the online version and didn't make it in the print But hey it's better then nothing!

It's kinda wired, it was on the actual site at first but you have to pay to read the articles on there so we didn't think many people would get to read the article. We looked into paying to make the article public but it costs $400 /mo!! What a rip! But luckily picked up the article and now all my friends can see it for free! Cheer!

Warmer World

Ok I hate to keep posting on the same topic, but I came across this article today and just had to mention it...

From the article:

"After studying the likely consequences for everything from crop yields to human health, their results are anything but apocalyptic. They have found that a hotter planet brings with it many benefits, and that humans can adapt perfectly well to it.

Indeed, far from joining the calls for action, some now warn that trying to prevent climate change could prove far more catastrophic than learning to live with it. Nor is this cheery vision based solely on questionable computer models. Analysis of past episodes of dramatic - but entirely natural - climate change repeatedly shows the benefits of a warmer world.

"If you could vote for a change in climate, you would always want a warmer one," says Philip Stott, emeritus professor of biogeography at the University of London. "Cold is nearly always worse for everything - the economy, agriculture, disease, biodiversity".

According to Prof Stott, times of historical prosperity have often been tied to unusually warm periods, such as the so-called Medieval Warm Period between 1100 and 1300. In contrast, the Little Ice Age between 1450 to 1890 was characterised by famines, pandemics and social upheaval. "We should be glad we've left that behind," he said.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Global Cooling

So while the world tries to stop Global Warming, the ice sheets in Antarctica keep getting thicker. Perhaps the problem is Global Cooling!

Any person who drives a car that is fuel efficient is evil! How can you drive your hybrid car when the earth is on a Global Cooling tend? We need to save the earth! Buy an SUV! Help our planet out! I am going to start breaking windshields of hybrid cars because this is everyone’s planet not just theirs!

Seriously though Global Warming is just a buzz phrase Scientists are using to get more funding. Liberal groups use it to try to take down big corporations. Even if there is global warming how do you know that mankind is doing it? It was only 10,000 years ago All of north America was covered in ice! How do you explain how it got warmer? We weren’t driving SUVs back then. How do you know that whatever caused the earth to warm up from the ice age is still not going on now?

The answer is you don’t know. I don’t mind spending my tax dollars having you research the effects of cars on our atmosphere, but saying it’s causing global warming is quite the stretch. I want you to prove it before we do something crazy like damage our economy with Kyoto nonsense.