Life, the Universe, and Everything

Thursday, July 28, 2005

When will the environmentalists Stop Killing Astronauts?

Yet again another chuck of foam fell off the Space Shuttle's booster. Luckily this time it did not strike the shuttle. NASA has once again grounded the fleet, and will not perform another launch until they foam problem is 'fixed.'

The solution is already out there, but NASA is too PC to do it. The solution is to go back to Freon based foams. In 1997 NASA switched from Freon Foams, even though they were not required to at the time, and in 2001 the Environmental Protection Agency exempted NASA from the CFC phase-out.

Read more about it here:,2933,77832,00.html

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Bomb Dogs

So I was watching meet the press last weekend and one of the guests talked about how the government was acquiring more bomb sniffing dogs.

I would like to think it was because of me, but I think I only have two readers of my blog.

Good thing though that I'm not the only one thinking about it.

More On China

Pentagon: China's Military Strengthening

Long-term regional threat:

Thursday, July 14, 2005

China Nukes

Wasn't I talking about war with China a while ago..

A few quotes from that article:

"we will have to respond with nuclear weapons"

“If the Americans are determined to interfere [then] we will be determined to respond,”

“We . . . will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east of Xian. Of course the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds . . . of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.”

Where are we in building that anti-ballistic missile shield?

Monday, July 11, 2005

London Bombing

What a tragedy. I know the liberals are all foaming at the mouth to blame this on the invasion of Iraq, but that is just stupid because 9/11 happened before the invasion of Iraq. But now there are a lot of people talking about putting metal detectors in subway systems. But the reality is this would slow down public transportation way too much.

As I was thinking about what we can do to better detect bombs I thought to myself, I wonder if dogs can smell bombs, a few Google searches later I found the following link:

So I'm not the first person to think of it, why are we not doing this in our subways? Dogs are cheap, they have no unions, and they work for food. This seems perfect to me. Lets put a dog on every subway train, or in every station. Minimum impact on travelers and it would have stopped the subway bombing in England.

I have no idea why everyone is not talking about this. They should have one of these dogs in every airport terminal too!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

War of the Advertisers

So I went to see War of the Worlds yesterday. I went to a downtown Seattle theater, and I drove by it 5 mins late. I knew parking would be hard to find and so I mentioned to my brother who was with me, do you mind being late? We will miss the previews. He told me that was ok and so we found parking and were inside the theater 5 mins later.

So we walked into the theater 10 full minutes late. And guess what? They were still showing commercials! The previews hadn't even started yet! They went on for a full 5 mins after we were there. Where else are you forced to watch 15 full minutes of mind numbing commercials before you can see what you just paid $9 dollars to see?!?

War of the worlds was ok, I didn't notice any blatant advertising. I did however think that it followed the original movie too well. I mean seriously, If I was an advanced alien culture millions of years old, I would think I would know a few things about avoiding germs. I had hopes that instead of just being random germs that the US would develop a biological weapon to kill the aliens with. But overall the move was entertaining, and screen time commercial free.

I was however thinking while I was watching it that movie theaters haven’t changed much in the past years. THX was really cool 10 years ago. The greatest advance sense then was the lifting arm rests and stadium seating. So I now I think that there are two things the Hollywood needs to do to improve box office performance. 1) Stop adverting so much, 2) Develop a new wow factor for the theater, something that can't be done at home. Maybe 3-D movies, could you imagine the Matrix in 3-D?!? That would be cool.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Howard Dean

Ok so I watched an episode of the daily show today from a week or so ago through the magic of my TiVo which had Howard Dean as the guest.

He said that if only more people were watching the Daily Show instead of Fox News then Americans would know the truth about what is really going on.

So lets get this strait, Howard Dean is encouraging Americans to get their news from a TV Comedy program that openly admits it produces fake news?

I am offended in two ways. 1) The idea that we can get better news from the Daily Show then a real news program on FOX and 2) the assumption that just because you watch the Daily Show you agree with the Democratic Party.

Sorry I am a huge supporter of George W. Bush and I also love that John Stewart. Liberals are so funny.