Life, the Universe, and Everything

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hurricanes & Global Warming

I know all the global warming 'scientists' are chomping at the bit to blame this on Global Warming, but before you hear them say it, here is some ammunition do defend against them.

Because hurricanes form over warm ocean water, it is easy to assume that the recent rise in their number and ferocity is because of global warming.

But that is not the case, scientists say. Instead, the severity of hurricane seasons changes with cycles of temperatures of several decades in the Atlantic Ocean. The recent onslaught "is very much natural," said William M. Gray, a professor of atmospheric science at Colorado State University who issues forecasts for the hurricane season.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Humans Are Ones on Display at London Zoo

Only a Liberal could think of this..

How do I find this offensive, let me count the ways..

"Seeing people in a different environment, among other animals ... teaches members of the public that the human is just another primate"

A lot of people think humans are above other animals" ... "When they see humans as animals, here, it kind of reminds us that we're not that special."

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Measure Report: New Distortion Times

One of my field Correspondents, Measure, has filed the following report:

Last year, the army was made aware of a possible improvement to body armor, that could protect troops from a few more kinds of bullets. Although Iraqi insurgents were not using these kinds of bullets against our troops, the Pentagon wanted to outfit all our troops with the new armor anyway. The Pentagon fast-tracked the new armor and was supplying troops with the improved armor as quickly as logistically possible. The New York Times picked up on this story, carefully examined the facts, and ran the following story: "For the second time since the Iraq war began, the Pentagon is struggling to replace body armor that is failing to protect American troops from the most lethal attacks of insurgents."

The Times said this despite any evidence that the old armor was protecting the troops any worse than the new will. Here's a link to the full story, with complete details:


Federal Judge OKs Global Warming Lawsuit

You have to be kidding me!! Global Warming is an UNPROVED theory. They have proven that Antarctica is cooling for crying out loud, that alone completely debunks the theory.

You know what? I believe that Hollywood is causing my day dreaming, which is leading me to Alzheimer’s, and I want to sue now! If we work together today, we can eradicate Alzheimer’s disease forever.,5744,16387708%255E23289,00.html

Friday, August 19, 2005

Measure Report: Russia

One of my field Correspondents, Measure, has filed the following report about the recent changes in the Russian Government:

Here's a quote from a really good article that goes over not just the governors, but other things putin has been up to as well... I think Russia is headed for either a revolution, or just to become another anti-freedom dictatorship. They've never tried true democracy there, anyway.

At the heart of this tale is "Project Putin," the president's crusade to remove all challenges to his authority. It includes the elimination of independent TV networks and elections for regional governors, as well as the jailing of oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky and the destruction of his private company, Yukos. To get a sense of how obsessive Putin can be, consider his behavior in the run-up to his re-election in 2004. After he ensured that he faced no serious opposition, Putin's only fear was that turnout might be below the 50-percent threshold required to validate the results – which would trigger a new election, making Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, who had served as Boris Yeltsin's finance minister, acting president in the interim. So Putin fired Kasyanov and gave the job to Mikhail Fradkov, who was unknown and unthreatening.

I called in!

For the first time in my life I called into a Radio Talk Show.

Last night as I was getting ready for bed I tested my alarm clock to make sure the volume was loud enough to wake me up. For some reason I have it on 710 KIRO. Much to my surprise a liberal Radio Show was on. (I didn't think they existed..) Their guest was some Church Preacher that believed that if Jesus was alive today he would vote democrat including pro-choice and pro gay rights. What upset me was when he said "Jesus never taught that homosexuality is a sin"

My first attempt to call in worked. I have tired to call into radio shows before, usually there are busy signals and long wait times, but I only had to wait one commercial break. I think that says something to the amount of listeners he really has.

Once I got on, my first point was that not everything Jesus Taught was written down, (See the last verse in the last chapter of John.) He immediately changed his tune to “He was never quoted to saying anything about it. Which was what I was going for.

I then quoted chapter 1 verse 27 of Romans as a declaration of Homosexuality as a sin. He says I am interpreting the meaning wrong. (I should have said “Well what else does a man and a woman naturally do together, that when a man and a man do it together it is unnatural and unseemly? Seems to me they just didn’t have a good word for it in the language at the time.)

Romans Chapter 1 Verse 27:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

Maybe I forgot to say the lust part..

Anyway the host then switched the topic to what are we supposed to do about gay people who have the right to marry.

I told him that if they want gay marriage then they should pass a new law allowing it.

He then told me that people didn’t get to vote on the bill of rights. ?? He quite confused me with that statement. I replied with “Actually I believe we did vote the bill of rights into law.”

The host then talked about other countries that allowed gay marriage, and so I replied again with my statement that if they want it to be laws in the US then we should put it to a vote of the people.

I was then cut off as they went into a commercial break. (That show has WAY too many breaks.. I kept my radio on for a while to see if anyone else would comment on my comments, but it was almost as if I hadn’t called in after the break.

Oh well. It was an interesting experience none the less.

It's Not About Me, It's About the War

The Cindy Sheehan protest has come to an abrupt end, as Cindy's mother ends up in the Hospital, and Cindy leaves to be with her.

What is a protestor to do now that their beautiful "Talk to Cindy" poster is already built? She was the focal point of their protest, but now in her own blog, she says "It's Not About Me, It's About the War." What?!? I thought this was all about you wanting to talk to the president?!?

A few days ago while driving home I happened to stumble across a Cindy Support rally, and a pro.. umm.. America? rally across the street. I honked for the "Honk if you support our troops." Sign held by the pro America rally.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

My Idea, Stolen! Video-Playing Tombstones

Company Plans Video-Playing Tombstones

I thought of this years ago, while visiting a cemetery. Either great minds think alike or someone is leaking my ideas!

Well at least this way someone else is doing the hard work for me.

Chinese troops will fight "terrorists" in a simulated regional conflict.

War games seen as 'message'

Yes, yes, they are practicing fighting 'terrorists' that is why they are practicing anti submarine tactics, because Terrorists may get their hands on a fleet of submarines..

One thing in this article makes me feel a little better:

"Moscow showcase its weapons for sale to China"

That at least makes sense to me, Russia is just trying to sell weapons to china.

One part in this article that makes me nervous:

"Because China defines terrorism as including "separatists," U.S. intelligence officials think the exercises are directed at Taiwan, which Beijing views as a breakaway province, and the United States, which has vowed to protect Taiwan from mainland attack"

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Russia & China will Launch Intercontiental Ballistic Missles

What the heck is going on over there? Ok, maybe I'm just nervous, and this is just routine training, but I can't get the idea that something is brewing over there out of my head. You do realize that Putin has recently done a few power grabs in the Soviet Government. For instance now the Russian Equitant to US State Governors are now no longer elected, but instead are appointed by Putin Himself.

Here is an article about Putin:

Cindy Sheehan

I thought I would give my two bits on Cindy Sheehan. I think it can be all summed up with the following statement by her on the countdown with Keith Olbermann:

OLBERMANN: The nature of the media coverage you're getting now, the response from other families of soldiers killed in Iraq, all of that, from the perspective of your protest there, in a way, isn't it really better if President Bush doesn't meet with you?

SHEEHAN: I would think so, yes.

So really she doesn't want to meet the president, she is just basking in the media lime light while pressing her political views on everyone. Why though do you think the media is making such a big deal out of it?

I think the reason is simple. The liberals hate the war. They couldn't understand why people have not been protesting it. I think the whole reason why the liberal democrats tried to start the draft (while claiming Bush was trying to start it) was to get more people upset about the war. And now they have what they expected, finally someone protesting the war. They are putting all their eggs in this basket because it is what they wanted to happen. They thought it would happen all over the country like during the Vietnam War, but this is all they got, and they are going to use every second of it.

Friday, August 12, 2005

I don't swear

I personally never use curse words. One time I was working in a Theater and I dropped something heavy on my foot. The words that came out of my mouth where "Ahh! Pain! Agony! Pain!" Everyone around me looked at me and thought I was joking around, but I was really in Pain.

When I read everything I read I read out loud in my head. When I come across a swear word, say the 'f' word. Instead of saying the 'f' word out loud in my head I just say the letter 'f' in my head. So the following sentence becomes: Man that was really f'ed up.

To me, the worst word in my vocabulary is 'crap'. I don't use it often, usually when I am angry or something is going very wrong.

I know average person probably thinks I'm weird, but what about the average Mormon who also does not try to use swear words, am I strange to them too?

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Pentagon increasingly unsettled by China buildup

Taken from:

"Pentagon officials are still talking about a recently released report on Chinese military power that highlighted worrisome developments. Officials said Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's June 4 speech in Singapore laid out key concerns of Pentagon and military planners. Rumsfeld said China is secretly building up its forces without having any threats, an indication it has offensive designs. He also said China is rapidly building up its missile forces. The U.S. is also closely watching Chinese submarine programs. "

From what I have been reading lately both sides, America and China, have affirmed that they will not use a Nuke unless the other side does first. So if China invades Taiwan and we defend Taiwan, and an all out war breaks out between US and China, Would we really fight a conventional war and not use Nukes to bring a swift end to the battle?

Something is brewing in China, and I hope that we are ready for it. I wonder if an all out war breaks out, and China gets it's arch kicked by US Subs (Which are the most advanced subs in the world.) Will they use nukes to avoid a land invasion? Or will they "Nuke First" to preserve their nation.

We are doing so much Business with China these days I can't Image they would want to knock out their biggest customer. Hopefully this will just lead to a good cold war and we will beat them with our economy.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Life Changes

I just thought I would start to mention some life altering changes I have been going through recently.

Two Things, First I decided that I would no longer be fat. I have started a rigorous work out routine, and am keeping myself on a 2000 calorie diet. I spend at least an hour a day, every working day, and sometimes Saturdays, at the gym. I have a membership at Pure Fitness, which is on lake union near the Thrift Books Warehouse.

My daily workout is not time related, but calorie. I use an elliptical trainer, which has a digital screen displaying how many calories I have burned working out. My daily goal is 800 calories burned which I can do in about an hour. Some days I run a little more intently and will burn 900 calories in 70-80 minutes. The last two Saturdays, not including yesterday, I got off after 70 mins, and then got back on to bring my total calorie burn to 1000 calories.

So far I am loosing about 3.5 pounds per week. My weight goes up and down, but the peeks and valleys are continually going down. I am using a web site to track my weight, body fat, and daily calorie intake called My Journal can be accessed here:

The other change is I have started to get up earlier in the morning. I have pulled it off by going to bed at around 9:30. I have been plagued with waking up late for a long time, and I think part of the reason is sleep apnea. But until I can see a doctor about it, I am going to bed earlier in the night. So far all this last week I made it to work before 8:30 am, a few days right at 8am, which is a large feat for me. But I think I will keep at it until I am waking up at 6 am and getting to work by 7.

Friday, August 05, 2005

China stocks nukes as anti-U.S. tactic

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

NASA's Mistakes that cost lives

But really, what is more important? A few astronauts lives? Or a material that 'may' harm the ozone layer?